Timeline for filing XBRL accounts and penalty for delay
Every business entity that is required to file their annual returns must prepare their financial statements in XBRL format after the end of its financial year. They should file the financial statements within 30 days after the annual general meeting.
As per Companies Act 2013, the following timelines are applicable for filing financial statements with the MCA:
AGM & financial statement | Due date for filing of financial statement with MCA |
Financial statement adopted at the AGM | Within 30 days of the annual general meeting. (Time period of 180 days from the closure of the financial year is considered, in case of One Person Company) |
Adjourned AGM | Within 30 days of the adjourned annual general meeting. |
Financial statements could not be adopted in AGM | Within 30 days of the annual general meeting (The financial statements submitted will be considered provisional till the time the adopted financial statements are filed.) |
If AGM could not be held | Within 30 days from the date when the AGM should have been held. (The financial statements and the reasons for not holding the AGM have to be submitted.) |
If a company fails to file the copy of the Financial Statements in XBRL format to MCA within prescribed time limit, it is liable to attract penalty, the provisions which are listed as follows: